S.E.A.P. // Start Here
The course for those who want to explore; sound in its most naked, theoretical, philosophical and technical form; composition and processing of sounds with their influence on each other; sound as longer compositions, as well as basic synth theory.
6 participants - 6 lessons

The course for those who want to dig deeper into; composition and processing of sounds with their influence on each other; sound as longer compositions, advanced recording and processing techniques.
6 participants - 8 lessons - 2 workshops

LOUD N PROUD (weekend)
The course for those who want to explore; mixing techniques, hands on but not from the start, new tools and tricks that are usually not part of the basics.
6 participants - 1 weekend

A weekend course suitable for those who want to explore; synths in general, different concepts and techniques used to create sounds such as additive, subtractive, modular, software/hardware etc. We also go through how they can be used and the lingo of synthesisers.
6 participants - 1 weekend

A course suitable for those who want to explore; mastring, concepts and techniques, with and without AI. We’re focusing on mastering from the perspective of a mixing engineer or producer who wants to learn more about the process and be able to make better “quick and dirty” masters, or simply explore their skills.
6 participants - 1 weekend